Virtual Crafts Evenings
3 February 2021


Come to my online craft evenings on Thursdays Tuesdays Wednesdays at 20:30 Sydney time.

What is this all about anyway?

I have found that 2020 means that everything becomes one long unending undifferentiated time period of unspecified duration, and that I am completely unmotivated to sit down and work on hobbies that I enjoy.

I also find Accountability Buddies/Body Doubles extremely helpful in terms of Getting Stuff Done.

Therefore, I thought it would be helpful for me to schedule a block of time once a week as Crafts Time, and to stop myself from getting off track (i.e. sitting and randomly searching the internet for nothing in particular) I’m going to do it as a video chat which anyone can join.

If this sounds like something you’d find useful, please come along!

When is it and how do I join?

I’m using Zoom, and you can get the link by joining the Discord server via this link or just DM me for the Zoom link on Instagram if Discord sounds too confusing.

Standard scheduled time is Thursday Tuesday Wednesday evenings from 20:30 to 22:30 Sydney time. If you’re not in Sydney, then you can check the time difference here.

(Crafts evening does frequently extend beyond 22:30, but I’m only guaranteeing to provide company between 20:30 and 22:30.)

What are the rules?

1. You need to have a craft.

You can’t come unless you have something to work on because otherwise it’s a video chat and that’s not really the purpose. Craft is an extremely broad church and includes but is not limited to:

sewing, knitting, crochet, weaving, embroidery, cross-stitch, wood carving, candle making, dyeing, computer programming, drawing, painting (walls and/or artistic), Christmas tree decorating, flower arranging, cooking, baking, creative writing, bullet journalling, etc, etc, etc.

2. RSVP/apologies are not necessary.

Join at any time; leave at any time. No requirement to RSVP or send apologies. Just turn up or not, as you wish. I’ll be there the whole time because it’s my chat (or will at least have my camera logged on!)

3. Conversing/socialising is completely optional.

Please introduce yourself when you join because otherwise it’s kinda awkward, but you do not need to speak to anyone if you prefer to just sit quietly and do your own thing. Answering questions with ‘I’d rather not chat’ is an acceptable response and will not be challenged.

4. If someone is making you feel uncomfortable:

If another attendee is making you feel uncomfortable and you do not feel comfortable raising the matter publicly, message me privately and I will deal with it. If I am making you feel uncomfortable and you do not feel comfortable raising the matter publicly, message me privately. I will not be upset with you and I will try and fix things.

5. Any topic may be vetoed for the evening.

Anyone can veto any topic of conversation at any time, no reasons required. If you don’t want to hear people talk about horse-breeding or trust law or covid or whatever, just ask to veto the topic for the rest for the evening and it will be done, no questions asked.

6. Don’t be a dick.

Management (me) reserves the right to boot you from the chat and/or restrict you from attendance if you are being a dick.

7. Topics of discussion.

(a) Political discussion is fine, but is subject to rules 5 and 6 (the “topic veto” rule and the “don’t be a dick” rule).

(b) Discussion of religion is also fine, but keep in mind that some participants may be religiously observant. (This is largely covered by rules 5 and 6 already.)

(c) Diversity of opinions is largely fine; however, this is not a space that will accept racism, sexism or other forms of bigotry, and I am fully prepared to enforce this through the application of rules 4 and 6.

(d) For the avoidance of any doubt, this is intended to be a trans-friendly space and if you have a problem with that, I do not want you here.

Politics doesn’t interest you. Why? … Because you have no interest in changing a world that suits you so well. Enola Holmes (2020)

8. Required eating list

The following people must eat prior to joining crafts evening or bring food to eat during crafts evening:

  • Lucija

(Other people may be added to this list at the discretion of management.)